best apps for writers

As we know, nowadays there are numerous apps to help writers and based on personal preferences we use AppName. Novelists, bloggers, screenwriters, and essay writers are vivid examples of how choosing proper instruments can affect productivity and creative personal outcomes. In this article, the best applications for writing intended for various purposes including writing, editing, and brainstorming, as well as for increasing productivity in writers are discussed. Thus, we want to guide you to the most effective application that will meet your writing requirements.

Best Writing Software for Writers

1. Scrivener

Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS

Features: Writing aid for text creation for rather large documents such as novels or scientific papers. It has a solid outlining and research organization tool.

Benefits: Assists in dividing the text into sections, has the feature of eliminating the available distractions, and also aids in sorting the information and the notes.

2. Ulysses

Platform: Mac, iOS

Features: A clean Writing space with no temptations free and effective tools for organizing work.

Benefits: Is integrated with iCloud, allows using markdown, and means convenience for a writer using several Apple devices.

3. Microsoft Word

Platform: Windows, MAC, iOs, Android

Features: A business-type word processing application with enhanced capabilities for formatting and shared work.

Benefits: Commands that look familiar, powerful editing tools, and the way that sharing and collaborating can be made easy.

4. Google Docs

Platform: Web, iOS, Android

Features: The invention of a real-time word processor on the web.

Benefits: Documents templates that can be accessed anytime, documents that anyone may enter at any time, and autosave, documents that run in the cloud.

Best Writing And Editing Apps

List of the best applications for editing and proofreading

1. Grammarly

Platform: Site, App, Extension for Chrome, PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPod, Android.

Features: Grammar, spelling, and mechanics error check and correction.

Benefits: Writing advice including detailed tips, assists with both organization and language and includes a plagiarism checker.

2. Hemingway Editor

Platform: Web, Windows, Mac

Features: Typically, the program examines the text for readability and marks such parts as complex sentences and frequently used errors.

Benefits: Aids in the preparation of document drafting making it easy to write lean documents.

3. ProWritingAid

Platform: Web, Windows, Mac

Features: Comprehensive writing assistant with grammar checking and suggestions on style and on the overall report.

Benefits: Provides overall ratings of the writing style, the readability, as well as the structural organization and thus can be a great help for authors.

Apps for Brainstorming and Outlining

1. MindMeister

Platform: Web, iOS, Android

Features: It is an application that helps in creating a mind map cross-functional idea.

Benefits: Can assist in the mapping of your ideas that are pivotal to planning and writing various projects.

2. Evernote

Platform: Web, Windows, MAC, iOS, Android

Features: Application that allows the user to write and arrange notes.

Benefits: Integrates across devices, has rich media commenting, and enables the user to save research articles.

3. Milanote

Platform: Web, iOS

Features: Organizing creativity as a clear and aesthetic board for projects.

Benefits: Transforms note-taking into mood boards, thus is good for graphics and schedulers more than note-takers.

Best Productivity Apps For Writers

Productivity and project management applications are, without doubt, one of the essential tools for the efficient organization of work.

1. Trello

Platform: Web on – Windows, Mac, iOS and Android

Features: Types of project management tools are based on a particular concept, and one of them is the Kanban style.

Benefits: Enables one to schedule tasks as well as assign deadlines and share work with other members of the team.

2. Asana

Platform: Web, Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android

Features: Software that shall be used for tracking work being done and timelines involved in the completion of the task.

Benefits: You can use it for projects with links to task lists and ways of checking up on your to do list to make sure you are on track with the writing.

3. FocusWriter

Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux

Features: Writing application on which distortion is reduced to a bare minimum with the possibility of setting preferred themes and types of writing to be completed.

Benefits: Assists you in writing by blocking distractions and informing you how long you have been working.


Selecting the right app can immensely improve the drafting, editing, and even idea-generation process when you are writing a novel, or editing your manuscript. The above are among the best apps there are in the market, and the features they come with are as shown above to meet different writing requirements. Thus, the usage of those tools will allow the writers to become more efficient, optimize, and make their work even better. Check these options out to obtain the most suitable app with reference to your style and the outlined objectives.

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Alex Reynolds is a tech journalist with over a decade of experience, specializing in technology and gaming. As the lead writer for, Alex excels in delivering insightful and engaging content.

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