is star wars battlefront 2 crossplay

Star Wars Battlefield 2 is another game belonging to the shooter genre, developed by EA DICE that allows players to battle each other online. As many games today include crossplay in their options, people want to know if SWBF2 includes this option. The purpose of this article is to discuss the crossplay in Star Wars Battlefront 2 and the current state, possible future features, and effects on gaming.

Understanding Crossplay – What is crossplay?

Crossplay means that the players using different consoles can play the game with each other in an online environment. This feature will remove the dividing line between console and PC gaming and draw more people into the gaming community.

is star wars battlefront 2 crossplay?

Is there crossplay in Star Wars Battlefront 2? Unfortunately, Star Wars Battlefront 2 does not have crossplay until now. Selected players are allowed to compete against others and this can only be done between players on the same platform, either PC, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 PC cannot be played with other consoles, and therefore there is no crossplay between the two. hbakdhnmdbghnabbbj

Is it possible to play with friends on a different console or in other words interact with a player of PlayStation 4 and another player of Xbox One? Players on PS4 and Xbox One cannot play together as crossplay is not allowed.

Crossplay means the ability to play a game across two or more different platforms and therefore engaging the different players in conflict.

Well, at the current time, Star Wars Battlefront 2 does not allow crossplay at all, as such there are no settings that can be changed or steps that can be taken in order to allow crossplay. It’s important to note that while playing most games, a player can only play with other players on the same platform.

Though this particular mode has been removed from Xbox, there are possibilities of crossplay in the subsequent build updates.

Is there a new update through which crossplay may be added?

Currently, up to the last updates, EA DICE has no intentions of having crossplay in Star Wars Battlefront 2. But as per the requirement of the gamers, they still demand this feature intensely, and in future releases, this feature could also be offered if the necessity of it is felt intensely.

What are the benefits of adding crossplay?

Larger Player Base: Crossplay would mean more people would be playing, meaning less time waiting for a game.

Enhanced Social Experience: It was possible to see friends on the list and play with them even if they were on different platforms available at that time.

Extended Game Lifespan: It can also sustain the life span of the community and the game due to the availability of more players to play the game.

Public’s Opinions and Players’ Testimonials

What is its opinion regarding the absence of crossplay? Many fans of the video games have complained or at least have noticed the absence of crossplay in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Although the graphics, the gameplay, and the sense of Star Wars have received important recognition, many players complain about the inability to play with friends if they use different consoles.

What has been the level of response to the crossplay possibilities? It is common to find players debating crossplay on discussion boards and social media with many calling for crossplay. This overall tenor is that crossplay would greatly increase the amount of fun when playing multiplayer games.


Hence, Star Wars Battlefront 2 lacks crossplay, which solely allows for contact between the players of the same platform. Still, for many players, this might be a letdown but in each platform, the game will provide for an engaging multiplayer session. For those waiting for crossplay, it is important to follow announcements of EA DICE and engage in some discussion that may support this function in the future.

Related Questions

What platforms support Star Wars Battlefront 2?

PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Is there a possibility of crossplay in future updates?

Currently, there are no official announcements, but the demand from the community could influence future decisions.

What are the benefits of crossplay?

Larger player base, enhanced social experience, and extended game lifespan.

How does the lack of crossplay affect gameplay?

Players are restricted to playing with others on the same platform, which can limit social interactions and multiplayer match availability.

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Alex Reynolds is a tech journalist with over a decade of experience, specializing in technology and gaming. As the lead writer for, Alex excels in delivering insightful and engaging content.

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