Of london charge on credit card

Of london charge on credit card

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Appearing an unfamiliar charge in the credit card statement is troubling to most people in case it is labeled ‘Of London’ and one cannot vividly remember making a purchase in London. Read this article to know what the ‘Of London’ charges on your credit card statement may refer to, why it occurs and what action to take if you do not recognize the charges. So let it be a purchase incident, a mistake or possible scam, we will help you understand how to address it.

Of London Charge on Credit Card: what does these mean?

The amount dated under your credit card as “Of London” could be attributed to wide and vast range of purchases. As a rule it is connected with purchases or services connected with companies registered in London or with international transactions which are made with the help of a payment processor, based in London. Yet, if you found any of the mentioned search terms on your browsing history and did not make any activity related to London lately, it is high time to dig deeper.

Some of the reasons which may make some firms to include an “Of London” charge include the following:

1. Online Purchases:

Numerous Web-based businesses and service companies including those based in United Kingdom or operating via United Kingdom may be listed on your credit card statement as “Of London”. This may well be the fee if you’re recently ordered some goods over the Internet from the UK-based company.

2. Travel-Related Expenses:

This charge may be associated with traveling costs inclusive of fares to London or any other service linked with travel including flights, accommodation, and tours.

3. Subscription Services:

Some of these subscription services may take their charges through a company located in London even when you are not a Londoner.

4. Currency Conversion Fees:

If you have bought a product in a foreign currency, the charge could look like it has the “Of London” at the end because of the payment processor that was used for the purchase.

When to Wonder about the “Of London” Label

If you don’t recognize the “Of London” charge or haven’t made any transactions that could be associated with it, there are a few possibilities to consider:If you don’t recognize the “Of London” charge or haven’t made any transactions that could be associated with it, there are a few possibilities to consider:

1. Mistaken Identity:
Sometimes it is listed under completely different names that if you didn’t read the credit card bill carefully you are likely to dismiss charges as fraudulent when they are genuine. This could either be a way the business is register or the payment processor used. They should check through their last transactions or directly get in touch with the merchant to have the charge explained.

2. Fraudulent Activity:

If you have not done any transaction that relate to London and the charge is completely unknown the your account then you might have been a victim of credit card theft. In such situations a fast response is called for.

What to Do If You Do Not Recall the “Of London” Charge

1. Review Your Recent Transactions:

Reflect on your monthly specified purchases, as well as search for any recent Internet, magazine, or travel connected with London expenses.

2. Contact the Merchant:

In case you have your doubts, that the charge could be genuine, get in touch with the seller or the service provider directly.

3. Monitor Your Credit Card Activity:Monitor Your Credit Card Activity:

For more such ignorant charges to be reflected on your credit card statement monitor them closely. lately, cyber fraudsters employ modest transactions to ascertain the prevalence of the crime.

4. Dispute the Charge:

In case you are sure your account has been charged for a product you didn’t purchase or subscribe to, call your credit card provider to raise an objection. They can help in determining what to do next which could be the charge back process together with ascertaining the possibility of fraud.

5. Report Suspected Fraud:

But if for any reason you suspect that your credit card has been compromised, it is advisable to contact your credit card service provider and order a new one. In addition, it is useful to put fraud alert on your credit reports.

Steps that can be Taken to Avoid Other Unrecognized Charges in the Future

1. Regularly Review Statements:

As for credit cards, the best strategy to deal with the potential fraud is reviewing card statements frequently to notice something new and suspicious.

2. Set Up Alerts:

Banks and credit card companies in many instances provide a free service of sending alert in a certain transaction via email or short message. Establishing such alerts also assists in tracking your spending in real-time manner as you get to know the moment information.

3. Use Secure Payment Methods:
When purchasing online, make sure the sites are secure (the ‘S’ in ‘https’ in the website address) and consider using third party payment service such as PayPal.

4. Monitor for Data Breaches:

This is important in preventing one from being caught off guard by news of data breaches. Should you work for a company and that company has been breached, ensure that you put your credit on lock.


It is possible to be bewildered by an “Of London” charge displayed on the credit card statement but by a careful analysis and the subsequent actions one can be in a position to decipher whether the transaction is authentic or not. It goes without saying that the security of your financial data should always be in focus, and if you notice any irregularities do not hesitate to contact your credit card provider. In nutshell, one can protect him from various unauthorized charges or financial fraud by keeping oneself updated.

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